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Page 4

  “Always,” Wyatt asserted, holding out a fist toward Lizzie.

  She looked at it for moment, like she was unsure what to do, before bumping her own fist against it. Jett nodded and, grabbing everyone’s empty plates, headed for the trash bins. Dumping everything in, he gave me and Beckett a wave before turning and heading for the escalator.

  “Bye,” Wyatt said, giving me one last grin before following his brother.

  “Have fun,” Lizzie sing-songed, winking.

  I rolled my eyes at her and she laughed. She turned and jogged to catch up to the boys. As I watched her go, I realized I was finally getting to know the real Lizzie. She was fun and playful, and her face lit up with joy when she laughed. She was accepting of me and my relationship with the boys.

  “She’s different, huh?”

  I looked over at Beckett as he slid his hand into mine, lacing our fingers together. “Yeah,” I said. “I think she’s finally able to be herself, not the meek minion to Fiona, the obedient daughter to her parents, or even the loyal follower to your uncle. She’s finally just Lizzie, and I like her.”

  “I do, too,” he agreed.

  “Oh, really?” I raised a teasing eyebrow at him.

  He laughed. “Not like I like you,” he said, raising our joined hands to his lips, brushing them across my knuckles. “But I think she’ll make a good friend. To all of us.”

  “Let’s go,” I blurted, my pulse accelerating at the feel of his lips on my skin.

  “What do you need to get?” he asked as we headed away from the food court.

  “Nothing, really,” I admitted.


  He trailed off, his eyes studying my face as he waited for me to explain. I decided honesty was the best policy and pulled him over next to the wall, out of the path of the other shoppers.

  Leaning in, I rose up onto my toes and whispered into his ear. “I just wanted to be alone with you for a while.”

  He sucked in a short breath, pulling back to look at my face. A flare of desire flashed in his eyes before he took off, pulling me along behind him. I barked out a laugh. I loved it when cool, calm and collected Beckett lost control.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  He stopped abruptly, looking at the glass windows and open doorways that surrounded us. He lifted his hand and pointed at a fancy department store, one of those that took up the whole end of the building on two floors. He started walking again, his grip on my hand tight.

  Once inside, Beckett scanned the store as we walked around the outside edges. We passed the fitting rooms and I was glad he didn’t try to pull me in there. It would have reminded me of my time with Wyatt and I wanted to be solely focused on Beckett.

  “There,” he said, pointing toward a large sign that showed the way to the restrooms.

  I frowned. “A public bathroom?”

  “Trust me,” he said, leading me toward the hallway that held the restrooms.

  I did trust him, and I wanted to be alone with him, but I wasn’t sure I wanted that time to be spent in a bathroom stall. It reeked of cliché and the ick factor was off the charts. I just hoped he wanted to go into the ladies’ room, not the men’s.

  He bypassed both and led me to a third option. A sign on the door read, “Family Restroom.” He pushed on the door and it swung open, causing his face to light up with triumph. He pulled me inside before turning to lock the door.

  I looked around, unable to hide my surprise. The place was immaculate, all shiny surfaces with a soft floral scent. There was a large couch, a changing table for babies, a large sink and a sectioned-off cubicle that I assumed held a toilet.

  Beckett walked over to the couch and plopped down, patting the space beside him. “You want to sit?”

  “How did you know there was a couch in here?” I asked, my tone skeptical.

  He blushed, and I thought the worst—that maybe I wasn’t the first girl he’d snuck into a bathroom to make out with.

  “I, ah, used to have an issue with public bathrooms when I was younger,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was too scared to use them, afraid someone would walk in on me. I went into one of these once and realized I could lock the door and no one else could come in, so they’re all I used for years. These expensive stores always have couches in them.”

  “Oh,” I said, relieved that he didn’t have a habit of taking girls into bathrooms.

  “Is this okay?” he asked.

  The uncertainty in his eyes swirled with hope as he stared into my eyes, waiting for me to answer. I dropped my purse and lunged forward. Instead of sitting next to him, I climbed right onto his lap, my knees straddling his hips as I pressed my body close to his.

  “Is this okay?” I asked, copying his question.

  “It’s perfect.”

  The words rushed from him as his mouth crashed against mine. My nerve endings sparked with electricity as his tongue swept between my lips. Raising up on my knees, I took over the kiss as he leaned his head back against the couch. I threaded my fingers into his hair as his hands ran up my thighs to knead my butt.

  Breaking the kiss, I looked up to give his mouth access to my neck. He obliged, trailing his lips down the column of my throat, teasing the sensitive skin with his tongue. The sharp scrape of his teeth grazed my throat and he froze.

  I was too worked up to think. I could only feel, and I wanted to feel more.

  “Don’t stop,” I moaned, my body rubbing against his.

  His grip on my ass tightened and his mouth returned to my neck, ratcheting the heat between us up a few more notches. A feral growl vibrated from his chest, pushing me beyond all sense. And sensibility. I used my grip on his hair to pull him even closer, increasing the pressure of his mouth on my flesh, silently begging him to suck harder.

  I needed some kind of release.

  His teeth scraped against my skin as his mouth moved down to where my neck met my shoulder, sending sparks through my body and brain. I groaned, my hips undulating of their own accord. The friction sent me over the edge and I spoke words I never thought I would.

  “Bite me,” I moaned.

  Beckett’s movements gentled, his grip on me loosening like he was attempting to bring me back down to a more rational mindset. I wasn’t having it. I knew what I wanted and was fairly positive he wanted it, too. I pressed closer, grinding against him, panting with desire.

  “Please, Beckett,” I whispered. “I want you to.”

  A groan escaped him as his movements became more frenzied, his hands roaming up my back to pull me toward him. As if I could possibly get any closer. One hand slipped over my shoulder, pulling the neck of my shirt away from my skin, baring the base of my throat.

  His tongue ran down the column to my collarbone and back up again. Then his mouth opened and I felt a moment’s suction before a sharp pain as his teeth bit into my flesh. I barely had a chance to feel shocked before the suction started again, causing pleasure to spiral through me before bursting into a million tiny explosions.

  Beckett’s mouth gentled then, moving back up to lock against mine. I tasted my blood on his lips, its coppery flavor bursting on my tongue. We kissed for a while more, our movements tender as our hearts returned to beating a normal tempo.

  I pulled away, looking into Beckett’s eyes. “That was amazing,” I muttered.

  “Yeah,” he said, looking a little dazed, “I’ve never…” He trailed off, his eyes locking in on my neck. “Are you okay?”

  I kissed him one last time and climbed off his lap. “I’m perfect,” I promised, smiling at him.

  “Yes, you are,” he said, standing.

  I laughed. I felt elated, riding the high of Beckett’s love. Walking over to the mirror, I checked out the damage to my neck. Two small crescent wounds curved toward each other, the shape of his teeth outlined with beads of blood. It stung a little, but the pain was worth it.

  Grabbing a paper towel, I wet it in the sink and pressed it to the wound. Wiping a
way the blood, I applied pressure to make sure it clotted and pulled the neck of my dark shirt up. The collar hid the bite mark perfectly.

  Beckett and I left the bathroom hand in hand, no one around to notice us or give judgement. As we exited the department store, I noticed Jett, Wyatt, and Lizzie walking toward us. I waved to them as Beckett and I headed in their direction.

  “Did you find what you need?” Lizzie asked, a knowing grin plastered on her face.

  I blushed, unconsciously rubbing a hand against my neck. “Yeah,” I breathed.

  “What’s that?” Jett asked, his voice harsh.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I saw something on your neck. Are you hurt?”

  He tried to pull me toward him, one hand on my wrist and the other pulling at the material of my shirt. I yanked away, holding the collar of my shirt against my skin. I knew he was just concerned, but I didn’t want him baring the bite mark to the entire mall.

  “It’s nothing,” I said.

  “Savanna, what happened?” Jett asked, trying once more to pull me to him.

  “Leave her alone,” Beckett ordered, his voice heavy and demanding.

  What happened next was so bizarre, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining it or not. Jett’s eyes widened and Wyatt gasped. Like puppets on a string, they both turned and walked away.

  “What’s happening?” I cried, my eyes flicking from one to the other as they retreated.

  Beckett wore a dumbfounded expression, watching his brothers leave us. Lizzie sucked in a breath before grabbing Beckett’s shoulders and shaking him.

  “Tell them to stop,” she said.

  “What?” he asked, still confused.

  “Beckett, you persuaded them to leave Savanna alone. Tell. Them. To. Stop.”

  Beckett shook his head, disbelief written all over his face. But instead of arguing, he called out to his brothers, telling them to stop and come back. I could feel the power of persuasion vibrating in his chest.

  Wyatt and Jett both stopped, turning slowly to face us. Wyatt looked shocked. Jett looked pissed.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened,” Beckett insisted in a pleading tone as they walked back to us.

  “I do,” Jett said.

  “You do?” Wyatt asked, his face a mask of confusion.

  Jett nodded toward Beckett. He didn’t look angry anymore, only resigned and maybe a little disappointed.

  “He drank her blood and gained the power to persuade Alts.”

  Chapter Six

  “How is this even possible?”

  We were back at the Madsen’s, sitting around the living room. Beckett’s question broke a ten-minute silence. I continued to stare at the floor, unwilling to make eye contact with anyone. I was still in shock. Shock mixed with a decent dose of embarrassment as I replayed myself begging Beckett to bite me over and over in my mind.

  “I guess it makes sense,” Wyatt said. “When Savanna bit Beckett, his blood made her sense of hearing heighten temporarily. Maybe this is the same thing. Beck got her power to persuade Alts, but it will go away in a day or two.”

  My eyes flicked up to Lizzie, gauging her reaction to the revelation that I’d bitten Beckett and drank his blood. I expected shock, maybe even disgust, but she had only sympathy in her eyes as she stared at me. I gave her a small smile.

  “You seem to be taking all this in stride. It has to be weird, at the very least, for you.”

  Her expression turned thoughtful as she replied, “Honestly, it is a little weird. I’m sure it’s weird for you, too, though. This is all new, right?” At my nod, she continued, her voice low, “My parents tried to ingrain hate in me, preaching the doctrine of Brother Earl. Alts are unnatural. Demons sent to bring about the downfall of man. Abominations that should be destroyed. And, for a while, I believed it. All of it.”

  “And now?” I asked when she paused to look at each of the boys.

  She met my eyes. “Now I know that you’re all just people. Different, sure, but still people. While I was faking friendship with you, I noticed things. You’re a good person. Funny. Passionate about what you believe in. Loyal to those you love. I went from pretending to like you to actually liking you, and guilt just about ate me up for lying. For setting you up and humiliating you. For joining Fiona in all her bitchy tricks over the years. I’m sorry, Savanna.”

  Tears stung my eyes by the time she finished. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak without bursting into tears. I’d already decided earlier that Lizzie could be a real friend, and this only solidified that belief. If she could accept my behavior—making out with all three boys at the mall, biting Beckett, begging him to bite me—without judgment or disapproval, I knew the boys and I had a true ally in her.

  And we needed all the allies we could get.

  “Honey, we’re home!”

  I heard the front door slam closed just before Silas and Slade strolled into the living room. Slade ground to a halt, causing Silas to yelp as he plowed into his back. Grumbling, Silas stepped around his brother, only to freeze as he caught sight of us.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Who’s that?” Slade added, pointing at Lizzie.

  I sniffed, scrubbing the back of my hand against my eyes. “This is Lizzie Williams,” I said, clearing my throat.

  “The bitch who set you up?” Silas asked with a growl.

  “Silas!” I exclaimed. “We told you she helped us. She told us what was going on.”

  “That doesn’t excuse what she did,” he grumbled.

  “Her parents—” I started, but Lizzie cut me off.

  “No, he’s right, Savanna. I was a bitch. I lied to you, drugged you, filmed you, and ratted you out to the press. I am a terrible person.”

  “Were,” Jett said, standing up. “You were a terrible person.” He looked at the Madsen brothers. “She ran away from her parents, the only home she’s ever known, to come here and warn us.”

  “Warn you about what?” Slade asked, stepping further into the room.

  “I heard my parents talking about Savanna’s mom and dad. I think they’re planning something. Something for Brother Earl.”

  “What are you going to do?” Slade asked, looking from Lizzie to me.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I talked to my mom earlier. They’re fine, for now.”

  “What happened to your neck?” Silas asked.

  My hand flew to my shirt, pulling the material up to hide the marks from Beckett’s teeth. “Nothing,” I said, feeling warmth flood my face.

  “Beckett bit her,” Jett offered.


  “Sorry, Savanna,” he said, “but they should know, in case Beckett accidentally…”

  He trailed off, giving me a look filled with meaning. I got the gist of what he was saying and knew he was right. There was no telling how long Beckett would have my power to persuade Alts. And there was a chance he could inadvertently use it against them.

  “Accidentally what?” Slade asked.

  “And why did he bite you?” Silas added.

  I felt my face get even hotter as I answered.

  “It was one hundred percent consensual,” I insisted, giving each of them a meaningful look. I waited a few moments as realization dawned on their faces, then continued, “My blood gave Beck my power. He accidentally persuaded his brothers. We’re not sure how long he’ll retain it. When I drank his blood,” I gave them each a death stare when they both open their mouths, causing them to snap them shut, “my hearing elevated for a day or so before going back to normal.”

  Their gazes left me to train on Beckett. He had a rosy blush on his cheeks, which I found endearing. I didn’t have much experience with the male species outside the Patton brothers…okay, I had zero experience outside of them, but I had a feeling most boys would brag about a girl begging for anything that was remotely sexual. Not my Beckett. What happened between us was ours and no one else’s. Having all the sordid details spelled out in front of a ro
om full of people was making him uncomfortable.

  “Persuade me to do something,” Slade said to Beckett. “I have to see this for myself.”

  “Come on, man,” Beckett uttered. “I don’t want to.”

  “I wonder,” Slade mused, looking over at me, “what it would be like. Maybe I could drink her blood so I can control Silas.”

  “Slap yourself in the face,” Beckett said, his voice deep and forceful.

  “Ow!” Slade howled after the loud crack of his palm against his cheek filled the room. “What’d you do that for? I was just joking around.”

  Silas smirked, holding up a fist until Beckett bumped his own against it. “Good one, man.”

  “Sorry, Slade,” Wyatt said, grinning from ear to ear, “but that’s our girl you were talking about biting.” He walked over to me, slinging an arm over my shoulder. “Go get one of your own.”

  “I didn’t mean I wanted to actually bite her,” Slade mumbled, rubbing his cheek.

  “So,” I called out, diverting everyone’s attention away from my blood and how to get it, “do you think your parents will let Lizzie stay here, too?”

  “She wants to stay here?” Silas asked, a frown on his face.

  “It’s okay,” Lizzie said. “I can find somewhere else to go.”

  “No,” I asserted, feeling my temper rising up a notch as I widened my stance and planted my fists on my hips. “Lizzie left everything behind to come here to warn us about what she’d heard. She gave up everything for us.” I pointed a finger at her to emphasize my point. “She wants to make up for what she did and I have forgiven her.”

  Silas and Slade’s faces went slack and they looked first at each other, then at the Patton brothers.

  “Dude,” Slade said, his eyes falling on Jett, “I know you said she had a temper, but I didn’t really believe it.”

  Jett arched a brow, giving him a nod. “It’s true.”

  “That was nothing,” Wyatt added with a chuckle, his arm squeezing me closer. “You should see her when she really loses it. It is glorious to behold.”

  His face went all dreamy with those last words. Then he grunted as my elbow met his ribs.

  “If you’re all done talking about me like I’m not here, can we please get back to the matter at hand?”