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Page 6

  Our kiss ends briefly as he whips the garment over his head. I vaguely register similar movements behind me before Silas’s bare chest presses against my back and his arms slip around my waist. His fingertips meet in the middle, deftly flicking open the button of my jeans before the distinct sound of a zipper meets my ears.

  Slade’s mouth suctions against the base of my throat, working its way across my collarbone before moving downward toward the edge of my black lace bra. His hands slip behind me, burrowing between my shoulder blades and his brother’s chest. With a quick twist, the pressure of elastic against my skin is released. I shrug my shoulders to aid Slade as he pulls the material from my body.

  Silas’s harsh breaths beat against my back as his lips trails across the skin of my shoulders and his fingers plunge into the now-open front of my pants. He grunts as his fingertips brush against my center, ratcheting up my need.

  I moan as Slade’s tongue flicks against my bare nipple before sucking the flesh into his hot mouth. He releases it with an audible pop and moves to the other side, treating that breast with the same hungry intensity.

  Between Slade’s mouth and Silas’s deft fingers, I feel like I’m going to explode, or maybe implode, before another second passes. My breaths pant in and out, faster and faster, as a chord inside me winds tighter and tighter.

  As if sensing my urgency, the boys jerk into action simultaneously. Gone are Silas’s fingers. But before I can complain, cool air brushes against my ass and legs, the only indication I have that my pants are gone before Slade is on his knees before me, the heat of his mouth pressing against my lace underwear where his brother’s fingers were only a moment ago.

  I gasp and nearly stumble back, but Silas presses into me from behind, the hard planes of his chest stabilizing me as his hands wrap around me to cup my breasts as his mouth presses against my neck. His teeth scrape my skin and a shiver runs down my spine.

  Slade’s fingertips hook into the waistband of my panties before tugging them down, one centimeter at a time, while he kisses each patch of bare skin he reveals. The anticipation of his final destination and the feel of his brother’s teeth nipping along my neck create the perfect sort of sensory overload.

  I quickly hit my limit and pull away from both of them. Panting, I push my underwear down and step out of them. I throw my shoulders back and look back and forth between Silas and Slade, watching as their eyes devour me, in all my naked glory, before Silas snaps to his senses and sheds the rest of his clothes.

  Slade just watches as his brother charges me, lifting me up and twisting so that he falls back onto the bed and I land on top of him. My mouth melds against Silas’s, our tongues dueling as the heat inside me reaches nearly unbearable levels. His hands are everywhere, rubbing and teasing my most sensitive parts, making me squirm with need.

  Hands grasp my shoulders, pulling me upright, my knees straddling Silas’s thighs. Slade is there, kissing me briefly before moving around behind me. As his tongue brushes a path along my shoulder to my neck, I see Silas below me, quickly rolling on a condom.

  He grabs my wrists when he’s done, pulling me back down for more kissing. I shake my head and pull back a bit so I can look into his eyes.

  “I need you. Now,” I whisper, my voice sounding husky.

  Without a word, Silas hooks a hand behind each of my knees and pulls until they’re bent near his waist. Gripping his shoulders, I push myself up into a sitting position and grind myself against his erection. His hands grip my hips, pushing down to increase the pressure until I reach between us to grasp his cock and guide it toward my opening.

  My eyes open as he slides inside and I spy Slade beside us, watching me as he strokes his own erection. As I start to move against Silas, Slade’s eyes burn into me, his bottom lip tucked tightly between his sharp, white teeth as his hand pumps up and down.

  The flames in his steely gaze ignite me, causing a million stars to simultaneously explode in my head, the sheer power of the release wrenching a scream from deep in my gut. The world goes black and the next thing I remember, I’m flat on my back, tucked tightly between my two guys.

  “Are you okay?” Silas asks, an edge of deep, primal satisfaction in his voice.

  “What happened?” I breathe.

  “You came so hard you passed out,” Slade says, one side of his mouth ticking up.

  The words between the lines are clear. The two of them, together, are my complete and utter undoing…and they are both peacock proud of that fact. I can’t suppress my own smile.

  “Yeah. Right. I remember now,” I say.

  Silence reigns for a few clicks before one of them sighs. The other mimics the sound, causing me to look back and forth between them, keeping my lips sealed until they’re ready to talk.

  “I still think it’s a bad idea,” Silas murmurs, nuzzling his nose and lips against my neck.

  “So do I,” Slade adds, his palm rubbing circles on my stomach.

  “I know,” I respond, my voice somewhat forlorn, “but I’m doing it, anyway.”

  “I know,” Silas says, copying my words and tone.

  “You’re not going alone,” Slade vows. “We’ll be there if you need us. All of us.”

  His voice is firm, his words final. Slade, Silas…Savanna and her boys, all of them. If this is war, they are my battalion. My brothers-in-arms. They have my back and won’t let me down.

  My eyes burn as I blink back the tears threatening to escape at my sappy thoughts. I laugh off the emotion.

  “Thanks,” I whisper, hugging them both to me as my exhaustion takes over and pulls me into the abyss of sleep. “I love you.”


  Oh, shit.

  Those were my first thoughts as I woke from my afternoon nap that day. My fat stupid mouth said those three little words. Words that had the power to change everything. Words that I regretted saying the moment I remembered saying them, but, at the same time, wished had been reciprocated.

  But the boys were gone when I woke up. Fear struck through me in that moment. Fear that I’d scared them away. Fear that I’d changed everything with one slip of the tongue.

  But nothing changed. The boys acted like it never happened, like they didn’t hear it. Maybe they didn’t hear it.

  I shake my head at the ludicrous thought. Of course, they heard it. Not only were they less than a foot away, they’re Alts. They have highly advanced hearing capabilities. They would have heard it from out in the hall.

  I shake off my errant thoughts as I pull the car into the strip mall parking lot where Brewtiful Dreamer is located. It’s Thursday, the day of my big dinner meeting with the president, and I need a little caffeinated fortification to get me through until it’s time to leave for New York.

  The bells jingle as I walk through the door, and a quick glance around reveals the shop is empty save for the two guys standing behind the counter. Their heads whip up simultaneously at the sound of the bells, hope evident on their faces. Genuine smiles light their faces when they see me.

  “Lizzie,” Rafe says. “It’s great to see you.”

  Gabe nods in agreement, turning to grab my usual unicorn cup. As he steams the milk to make my mocha, he looks back at me.

  “How’s everything?” he asks.

  “Okay,” I say. “Today’s the day.”

  They look at me, identical solemn expressions marking their faces. Silas, Slade and I came in earlier in the week to tell them about my letter and find out what they’d decided about their invitation to join the president’s Alt army. They hadn’t decided yet, though I think we gave a pretty good argument against it.

  Gabe slides my steaming mug onto the counter in front of me, waving off my attempt to pay him for it. I shrug and smile my thanks, tucking the cash back into my pocket. Though I’m not sure they should be handing out free drinks with as dead as the place is.

  “We have news,” Rafe says. “We’ve decided to join the program.”

  I somehow manage not to spew coffee
from my nose and mouth at that announcement.

  “What? No,” I say. “Guys, you can’t.”

  Rafe holds up a palm. “We have to, Lizzie. Look at this place.”

  I look around, noting the empty tables before looking back at him. My eyebrows scrunch down as I try to come up with another viable argument. As if “he’s using Alts to take over the world” isn’t good enough.

  “It’s been like this for weeks,” Gabe says. “I don’t know how he’s done it, but this place is dying. It doesn’t support us anymore. We’re going to have to close down.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, a tight feeling in my chest. “But that doesn’t mean you have to—”

  “Think about it Lizzie,” Rafe cuts in. “We know what’s going on. We know he’s destroying our business, not saving us from it. But he doesn’t know we know. We’ll be on the inside, reporting back to you and the others, helping you.”

  “We want to help you, Lizzie,” Gabe adds.

  The way he says it sends a shiver down my spine. I don’t know why. Or maybe I do.

  It sounds like they’ve decided to do this for me, and me alone. I shake off the ridiculous notion and the excitement sparking at my nerve endings. What is wrong with me?

  “There’s something else,” Rafe says, and my eyes snap back to him.

  Gabe punches him in the arm, shushing him, but Rafe brushes him off. He mumbles something about needing me to know and Gabe’s shoulders droop, his expression somehow sorrowful and excited at the same time.

  I’m intrigued. “What is it?” I ask.

  Rafe comes around the counter with Gabe shuffling behind him. At Rafe’s outstretched arm, I move toward a small table in the corner and take a seat in one of the chairs. Gabe slides into another chair and Rafe grabs the third, flips it around and straddles it, bracing his forearms on the back.

  “We like you, Lizzie,” he says, his voice firm and confident.

  I eyes flit to Gabe, who’s looking a little green but nods in agreement. Strange.

  “Yeah, I like you guys, too,” I say, not really sure where this is going.

  “Listen,” Rafe says, leaning forward with intensity shining in his silver orbs, “we know you’re dating the Madsen brothers. We like those dudes and we don’t want to cause a rift, but we also can’t deny our own feelings.”

  My veins fill with ice, then heat, then back to ice again.

  “What are you talking about?” I ask. “What do you mean?”

  “We want you,” Gabe says, his voice a low murmur.

  Rafe nods at his brother’s words before speaking, his voice loud and clear and his meaning unmistakable.

  “We want you to give us a chance. Go out with us, too. Both of us.”

  The wooden legs of my chair scrape against the floor as I slide back and leap from the seat. My breath huffs in and out of my lungs, fueled by anger, disbelief and something else I refuse to define. Something not so negative. I ignore it and focus on the disbelief and anger.

  “What do you think I am? Some kind of slut? What’s two more when I already have two, right?”

  “No!” Gabe shouts, shooting from his chair. “God, no, Lizzie. That’s not what we think.” He looks at his brother. “I told you! I told you she’d react this way.”

  He heaves a few breaths with his eyes closed before focusing back on me. “Forget it. Forget we said anything and let’s just go back to normal. The way things were before this asinine conversation. Please.”

  “No,” Rafe says as my head starts to nod in agreement. “Lizzie, please sit down and let us explain.”

  I don’t want to sit. I don’t want hear any explanations. I just want to do what Gabe said and forget this conversation ever happened. Against my better judgement, I take my seat, crossing my arms over my chest.


  The tone of Rafe’s voice pulls at my heartstrings, but I refuse to move my gaze from my hands twisting the hem of my shirt. This can’t be happening. It has to be a dream, one brought on by stress and maybe too much caffeine. I will myself to wake up.

  “Lizzie, look at me please,” he begs, his voice barely above a whisper.

  I force my eyes to meet his, feeling heat rise to my face.

  “We do not think you’re a slut. We think…”

  As he trails off, his brother finishes the sentence. “We think you’re amazing,” Gabe says, his voice filled with something that sounds like wonder. “Amazing,” he reiterates, “and funny and brilliant and gorgeous.”

  “We just want to be near you,” Rafe adds.

  “We need to be near you,” Gabe clarifies.

  “But,” I choke out, clearing my throat before continuing, “I’m already involved…”

  Those words hang in the air between us for a moment as my eyes chase from Gabe’s to Rafe’s and back again. I hold up my hands in supplication, needing them to understand while, at the same time, not wanting to hurt their feelings.

  “I have Silas and Slade. I l-love them.”

  “We know you do,” Gabe says, “but can you honestly say you’ve felt nothing for us?”

  “We’re friends,” I reply, my voice firm and final.

  At least, I hope it is.

  Rafe nods. “Yes, we are friends. And we don’t want anything to jeopardize that. But, be honest. Please. Aren’t you attracted to us? Don’t you feel anything more? More than just platonic friendship?”

  I shake my head, but can’t voice the lie. I felt a zing of electricity the first time I met them. I think that’s why I avoided coming into this shop for so long after I moved here. On some subconscious level, I knew I’d have to face that spark, that physical pull that felt like a betrayal of my relationship with the Madsen twins.

  “You’re lying to yourself,” Gabe says, his voice soft and tinged with sadness.

  I should be angry at his accusation, but the only emotion I feel is guilt. I shouldn’t even be entertaining this conversation. I have a boyfriend, two in fact, and letting these boys tempt me is the very last thing I should be doing.

  And regardless of my denials, they are tempting me. Maybe I really am a slut.

  “Stop it,” Gabe says, reading my expression. “You have nothing to feel guilty about. You haven’t done anything wrong.”

  “Let’s just table this discussion for now,” Rafe says, standing. “We have jobs to do, and we can’t afford to be distracted.”

  Gabe nods. “He’s right. But, Lizzie? Can you at least think about it?”

  I don’t answer as I leap from the chair and gather up my things. Without a backward glance, I’m out the door, sprinting toward my car. Once inside, I throw myself back against the seat, harsh breaths heaving my chest as tears sting my eyes.

  Think about it? I doubt I’ll be able to think of much else.


  Squished between Silas and Slade in the back of their mom’s minivan, my conversation with the boys at the coffee shop runs through my mind on a loop. The tension in my body is wearing me down, but despite commanding myself over and over to forget about it and focus on the task at hand, my brain refuses to obey. I can’t get it out of my head.

  We want you.

  I shake myself as the words echo through me again and again. I can’t really be entertaining the idea of dating them, can I? No. No, I can’t. It’s ridiculous. What am I? Some kind of Arabian sheik, collecting lovers for my harem?

  I snort out a laugh at the thought, earning questioning looks from the boys on either side of me.

  “What’s so funny?” Silas asks, tapping his elbow against my ribs.

  “Nothing,” I say, the word quick and short.

  I probably couldn’t sound any guiltier if I tried. I force myself not to flinch.

  “Okay,” Slade says, drawing out the word like he doesn’t believe it.

  “I think my nerves are just getting to me,” I say.

  Slade tightens his grip around my shoulder, pulling me closer into his side. Silas runs a palm up and down my thi
gh, his touch comforting and electrifying at the same time. My guilt ratchets up another notch.

  “You’re going to be fine,” Silas says, leaning in so close his lips brush against my ear.

  “Yeah,” Slade adds, pressing his face into my hair, “we’ve got your back. Everything will go smooth, you’ll get the info we need and get out of there. Easy-peasy.”

  Rubbing my cheek against his chest, I snuggle in closer without responding. Reaching out, I run my hand along Silas’s arm until my fingers tangle with his. I pull our joined hands into my lap cover them with my other hand.

  This is where I belong. Silas and Slade are everything. I don’t need to complicate things by entertaining the ridiculous notion of adding more people into our relationship.

  Even if that notion makes my heart thump a little faster. Even if it makes my nerve endings spark with electricity.

  “We’re almost there,” Jett calls from the driver’s seat, jerking me from my thoughts.

  “Already?” I ask, pulling my cheek from Slade’s chest and straighten in my seat.

  I check my phone and see that an hour has passed since we left. A harrumph of disbelief rumbles in my chest. My conflicting thoughts about Rafe and Gabe have really made the time pass quickly. I need to push them out of my head and focus on the task at hand.

  I’m going to come face to face with President Worth soon, and I need to be ready.

  Savanna turns in her seat, her face serious. “We’ll be in the café across the street. Keep your phone handy and shoot a text if you need us.”

  I nod, ignoring the panic attempting to take over. I thought they’d be in the restaurant with me but, thinking about it now, I realize that’s impossible. President Worth would know of their presence almost immediately. He probably has security scouring the place, even now.

  “Maybe you should drop me off around the corner,” I suggest. “I don’t want his security detail spotting me with y’all.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Wyatt chirps from beside Savanna.